Taking it on the Road

If you've got a great gardening talk that you'd like to share then we invite you to apply for inclusion in the Michigan Master Gardner Association Speaker's bureau.

We welcome gardening speakers on a variety of topics.   The goal of our Speaker's Bureau is to help local Master Gardener Associations connect with talented, knowledgeable speakers to enhance their meetings.   If you would like to become a speaker to Michigan Master Gardener groups please fill out the form below and let us know more about your areas of expertise. 

If you're a gardening guru with information to share, please take a few moments to fill out the form on this page.   Some fields are required -- those are designated with an asterisk (*).  Tell us as much as you can about yourself.   The more we know about you the more we can share with Michigan Master Gardeners around the state.

Don't hesitate to email us a picture as well.   You can send a digital image to our communications email: info@michiganmastergardener.org

When you fill you the form on the left and press submit your information will go directly to our communications email.