Please note this form is only to submit an event. It isn’t for event or webinar registration or for questions about gardening.

If you have a question about gardening please submit IT to Ask an Expert’.

If you have a question about the Michigan Master Gardener Association please email us:

MMGA Events Request Form

The goal of the MMGA Calendar of Events is to create a content rich resource site for Master Gardeners by providing detailed information about gardening opportunities and gardening education, with a link to additional information. Events must fit into the following criteria to be approved for posting by the MMGA Communications Committee:

  • Provide Michigan Master Gardeners with an opportunity for education or special events such as garden walks or plant sales.

  • Be sponsored by a non-commercial organization such as a Michigan Master Gardener Chapter, a university-based extension program, a non-profit entity that focuses on gardening, the environment, sustainable practices in gardening, farming or other topics that are consistent with the Michigan Master Gardener mission.

  • Must avoid endorsements of products, companies (implied or direct) or the advocacy of any political position

If your event fits these criteria please fill out form on the right to request that your event be posted on the MMGA website events listing!

If you have thumbnail art that you would like to have included on your listing please note that in your suggestion. We will contact you.

Once you have filled out the form, please scroll down and click on the SUBMIT button.   Sections of the form that are marked with an asterisk (*) must be filled in. 

Once your event is posted you'll receive a confirmation email that it is posted.  If your event is not approved for posting you'll also receive an email.